The Writer’s First Duty

Says Lavelle:

Le premier devoir de l’écrivain doit être de s’élever assez au-dessus de toutes les circonstances de sa vie particulière pour fournir à tous les êtres un appui de tous les instants et les montrer à eux-mêmes tels qu’ils voudraient être toujours.

This duty is perhaps the most difficult, because “rising above all circumstances” involves first understanding them, and understanding how they perhaps fit into the bigger picture of individual existence, and only then, having extracted a crystal-clear meaning from them, is to think about how this meaning can be transplanted to the general human experience. And communicate it! In fact, there is no human experience, no matter how individual, whose meaning cannot be extracted in different circumstances; what is difficult, however, is to see the big in the small, something we have grown unaccustomed to doing.