It is indescribable the feeling of seeing, in color, a first-rate orchestra playing. I say see, and I do not know if I should have said feel. The expenditure of incredible sums to maintain it is justified because a top orchestra, depending on where it is located, is almost a cultural salvation. When one feels it, one concludes: there is hope. To witness, simultaneously, dozens of men who dedicate their lives to art; who, after long years of study and intense practice, train, train, and train to, in a very short presentation, transmit to those who see it the genius of noble and immortal spirits that have crossed the centuries. To notice the subtlety of synchronous, precise, and feeling-laden movements; to be silent and let oneself be guided by a sublime melody; to experience a direct contact with something beautiful: an experience of this nature morally elevates the audience that lives it.
A Top Orchestra Is Almost a Cultural Salvation