Although much is to be gained and something can be learned about the mind through dream interpretation, one must be very careful not to fall into the tempting stupidity of rationalizing the non-rationalizable. It is certainly very useful to be aware of what goes on in states where consciousness volatilizes; there is much to be learned and the exercise is quite stimulating. What one must not do is succumb to the logical need to attribute meaning to spontaneous, unpredictable, irrational manifestations. A careful study, with time, points out connections, coincidences, and perhaps one or another circumstantial or emotional archetype particular to the analyzed mind. The rest varies as experience, temperament, real-life circumstances, recent events, and also the unlimited imagination vary. Considering all this, it must be admitted that, although often misused, this is an intriguing study, to say the least.
Although Much Is to Be Gained and Something Can Be Learned…