I jump from philosophy to astrology, from astrology to religion, and wherever I am there I find words of spite directed at Voltaire. Impressive! What the Ferney’s philosopher has achieved is an unmatched feat! I just read: “Voltaire, ce marveilleux ignorant, qui croyait savoir tant de choses, parce qu’il trouvait toujours le moyen de rire au lieu d’apprendre”. How not to sympathize or, rather, how not to fall into laughter? Time goes by, and my concept of this renowned philosopher who managed to irritate the world only grows. I believe it was Nietzsche who stressed the wisdom of Voltaire’s philosophical attitude, which always ended up stretching a smile on his face instead of frying his spirit by taking life and history so seriously. Smiling in the face of human stupidity: this is the very rare virtue that Voltaire, more than anyone else, knew how to practice.
An Unmatched Feat!