Capitalism has imposed a behavioral philosophy that demands efficiency and professionalism in daily life. Anything different from this is abnormal, repulsive, contrary to the current dictatorship. It is necessary to answer e-mails, messages, return calls, and always and for everyone have the fake smile of a salesperson. A conduct based on the interest and concern with one’s own image—the others, always the others, the possible clients of an individual transformed into a company. From this comes the suppression of individuality: the action submits to what is convenient, annulling one’s own will. Practically, the being loses the recognition of himself, and with it the notion of importance and dignity. There does not seem to be a solution that does not start from complete exhaustion, which is converted into indifference and contempt for the world and gives rise to a behavior that horrifies the common person.
Capitalism Has Imposed a Behavioral Philosophy…