Despite Seeming Non-Existent Today…

Despite seeming non-existent today after decades of systematic and vehement relativization, common sense remains the most solid moral beacon for ordinary man. It is not the law that guides him, it is not the law that he thinks about when he acts or refrains from acting. If he does not kill, if he does not steal, it is because common sense prescribes it, whether or not there is a law. The effect of the law, moreover, thanks to the modern state, is to always make him more or less of an infringer. In other words: if the law does not correspond to common sense, it cannot be seen as fair, and its effect can never be educational, as it is theoretically intended to be. And the most curious thing about all this is that the day will come when someone will have to notice it, will have to notice the failure of modern law in the face of age-old common sense. And then, if it is to be legally transcribed, it will no longer be possible—unless religion is admitted once again.