Hope is idealized only by those who have never seen it in its fullness, who have never measured its ultimate effects. Machado, who knew it very well, classified it as the “weed that eats all the other better plants”; the Greeks had it as the most terrible of all evils… Hope is idealized only by those who have never attentively noticed its destructive after-effects, the total ruin into which it often hurls the hopeful, clouding his reasoning faculty, his sense of the ridiculous, inciting him to take stupid and irresponsible decisions that risk him and those around him. It is reasonable that the hopeful should be treated like a child, like someone who needs to be told the limits, what can and cannot be done. It is always dangerous when he had in his hands instruments intended for healthy and mature adults.
Hope Is Idealized Only by Those Who Have Never Seen It in Its Fullness