It Is Traditional of Indian Wisdom…

It is traditional of Indian wisdom to insistently reinforce the importance of the present, given that the mind reaps regret from the past and apprehension from the future. Therefore, it seems objectively impossible to have a peace that is not summed up in a serene and consenting immersion in the now, an immersion that is self-satisfied. But oh, how difficult it is! That minimum that is missing, that wanting that is not much but is placed in a hypothetical future, that real, full, recognized happiness that requires little but is distanced from the moment, all of this is certainly the burial of peace. And the affliction that arises from this realization, or rather from this attitude, is one of those that cannot be overcome, because one cannot speed up time, nor live the future in the present. So, no matter how difficult it may seem, and no matter how repetitive the sages of old India may seem at times, the truth is just that: what there is is simply now.