Letters Prevent Life From Being Completely Swept Away

life from being completely swept away

The letters historically play the role of preventing life from being completely swept away from the Earth when the matter is reached by death. Works, records: by them something, and perhaps most important, is preserved from being punished by fate. I think of this 21st century. There has been, among many other things, an enormous widening in the options of means for the transmission of knowledge and the recording of existence. The ease of access and operation of these means has reached unimaginable levels and has certainly solved problems. However, it is a task that seems almost impossible to pinpoint what there is of value amid tons of waste produced and published daily. How to filter? How to identify and establish a reasonable judgment on what will overcome the barriers of time? It seems unfeasible and it seems, above all, that an unprecedented number of valuable works will be lost forever.


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