I wrote, as if by force, a play and nineteen other Casos—there are now forty-nine, and it is only a short hop from that to a thousand. The thing is: it is funny, when I write verses, I miss the fluidity of prose. But, except for these Notes, prose only comes out reluctantly. I put myself into creating narratives and I already start thinking about when I will finish them, when I will be free of the obligation that I psychologically contracted. Two volumes of Casos, in sequence, and I would give up everything. I get tired mainly of the method, the structuring of the narrative, and then the execution. The style calls for concision, logic, chaining, and the mind seems to work tied together. The theme arises spontaneously and becomes an order. Verses… these, at least, I like to have done when I have forgotten how I judged them in the end…
Literature Through Whiplash