Modern man works; when he is not working, he is in his “free time”, in his “leisure time”, when he is distracted and practices hobbies. This is what his philosophy of life boils down to. And that is why, one hour or another, his world collapses. The mediocrity of the life he leads exposes the emptiness of all his actions. It is as if he had accepted to live as a bifunctional machine; there is no sense in the way he lives, there are two buttons: in the first, the “work” mode is turned on; in the second, the “free time” mode is activated. It is ridiculous to think that this procedure is currently called “normality”, whose deviations already produce eccentrics and alienated people. To be normal, today, is to sell or kill the time one has available. “What is your hobby?”—and a man from a distant time would feel insulted.
Modern Man Works