Forgive me the Buddhists,—for whom I have great respect,—but I cannot deny the feeling I experienced while going through the Mulamadhyamakakarika, by the renowned Nagarjuna. What can I say? Could the problem be in my translation? I don’t think so… But I confess, reading these lines, that I felt, not before the enlightenment of an eminent sage, but the delirious morbidity of a fakir. Yes, yes, stones, please! Even though Nagarjuna, in words, is averse to the conduct of fakirs, I am unable to imagine him in a superior state of mind, when arguing as employing logic to break the bounds of absurdity. Did I say logic? I seem to lack words already… In any case, it is possible that the problem is in me; but there is no reason to hide this very strange sensation.
Mulamadhyamakakarika, by Nagarjuna