Not Even the Most Deeply Ingrained Habit…

The truth has to be told: not even the most deeply ingrained habit can resist the real and unequivocal advantages that these modern electronic devices offer to reading when compared to a physical book. A single test is enough. The flexibility of reading positions, the possibility of customizing fonts and spacing, the need to pay no attention to external lighting and, above all, the tremendous, incomparable ease with which one can highlight passages, make notes and send them, ready-made, to a computer, where they can be instantly located in case of future need. This is undoubtedly something that goes far beyond habit: it is the possibility of reducing a monstrous amount of work, both in organization and in future research. Dozens of minutes effectively turned into seconds. Not embracing the novelty, therefore, is unwise. So there’s no question of predicting an uncertain future at best for paper books. So what?