Another from Proudhon:
L’autorité ne fut pas plutôt inaugurée dans le monde qu’elle devint l’objet de la compétition universelle. Autorité, Gouvernement, Pouvoir, Etat — ces mots désignent tous la même chose —, chacun y vit le moyen d’opprimer et d’exploiter ses semblables. Absolutistes, doctrinaires, démagogues et socialistes tournèrent incessamment leurs regards vers l’autorité, comme vers leur pôle unique.
Proudhon’s revolt, the vehemence and ardor that leap like sparks from his lines is quite understandable: it is very easy to imagine a society that does not consist of oppressors and oppressed; yet it is astonishing to see that oppression, in whatever guise it is presented, does nothing but consolidate by molding itself to the prevailing propensities. And to see that, even though the obvious is blatantly exposed, the majority does not see it, taking an active part in the perpetuation of that which goes directly against not only their interests, but their own dignity.