Although they can be related, antipathy to socialization and social inability are completely different things. Introversion does not necessarily imply shyness or inhibition. Many psychologists fall into this error, and those who do not, err in judging the former to be a personality disorder—therefore, something which must be corrected. Psychology ended up sinking because it did not define, from the beginning, the scope of its work. It gave in to the charms of novelty and invaded other terrains—terrains whose complexity is beyond its means of analysis. It proceeded in this way, classifying behavioral patterns as if they were always the result of a stupid formula, as if the man had no capacity to judge and choose. Worse than that: without noticing, it established a supposedly universal scale of values to be used as a reference for what is or is not normal. Thus, it erected a human model devoid of individuality—a model, therefore, extremely superficial.
Psychology Ended Up Sinking…