The first step for the one who does not want, at the end of his life, to feel it completely wasted is to find, as soon as possible, something that fills it with meaning, that motivates, that brings the desire to wake up the next day—this something is what is commonly called vocation. Having found it, he must then carry it out on a daily basis, regardless of the circumstances. If more urgent needs rob it of time, he must carry it out, however little it may be, but considering it as the unavoidable priority of the routine—to postpone it is to waste the scarce time. Thus, he should deliberate the current situation as temporary, and all the rest of his life should be aimed at creating the conditions that will allow him to exercise such a vocation full-time. No effort must be spared, and he must use everything at his disposal to achieve this goal and free himself from this routine that is inadequate. In this, he already achieves a previous satisfaction, he already experiences a feeling of time well used. Finally, there are two possible scenarios: for those who create for themselves the conditions to exercise their calling full time, all they have to do is exercise it; for the others, all they have to do is not give up, and then they will not close their eyes regretting wasting the opportunities they had.
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