In Symbolism, it was sterility seen as a virtue and artistic choice. However… how to say? It is natural in the one who employs all his spirit in art, who devotes himself wholly to art to produce it in abundance. Fecundity is, to a great extent, dedication. In the Symbolists, it was not an isolated case of slacking off, or of giving oneself over to depravity. Let us meditate: how is it possible to value the artist who does not value himself and destroys himself in very low habits? the artist who despises his talent and spends most of his time in petty activities? It is true: there are cases in which the work speaks for itself. But the sterile artist limits himself: his work, though strong, lacks breadth, multiplicity—qualities that would probably be attainable through effort. From all this, the conclusion: a genius becomes what he engenders and, ultimately, his dimension is also conditioned to his effort.
Sterility and Merit