The full objectivation operated by modernity and the subsequent indoctrination of the masses to this peculiar way of looking at reality has produced individuals lacking a most important mental faculty. Trained to consider certain hypotheses forbidden, the new minds already grow up with a deficit of possibilities, which are torn out at their roots. More and more it seems obvious that the greatest misery of this age is that it has objectified the human being, and therefore destroyed his transcendent dimension, reducing him to the limited and corrupted character of ordinary matter. The consequences of this terrible night of the human spirit range from dehumanization to dumbing down, from cultural destruction to moral regression, from chaos to the vacuum that has become characteristic of it. How was it possible to reach this point? Once again, it seems right when Tolstoy says that there are historical circumstances that seem defined by a greater force—we are left, as always, with astonishment and hesitation in conjecturing the whys…
The Full Objectivation Operated by Modernity…