Knowing the gruesome details of a black magic ritual, one can notice without a doubt that the operator materializes his evil and repulsive will beforehand. From this, to say that the magic works is an understatement. All the difficulty of the preparation, the effort involved, the need for continuous reaffirmation of the vow, the mental focus and stimulation in favor of the malevolent objective… all this before the consummation of the terrible ritual, the voluntary act with no possible return. The conscience of the one who operates such a monstrosity dies forever; psychologically, it is a road with no return, a road that can only lead to more and more darkness, if not to madness or suicide. It is unbelievable to see how deep human nature is capable of descending, how unlimited is its potential for evil… the impulse is to spit in its face and curse endlessly at this cursed species.
The Gruesome Details of a Black Magic Ritual