I read a celebrated and not recommended author who proposed a kind of renewed hedonism. Indulgence, material abundance, and a life geared toward the full satisfaction of desires. What a joke! The fellow comments on various religions, and with each note shows himself to be supinely ignorant of them all. He says that in the East there were those who proposed religion as a way to blend in with a “universal consciousness,” since material accumulation is difficult in these regions of the globe, and therefore it is reasonable to provide these people with something that surpasses and does not depend on what they cannot attain. He also adds that reincarnation was conceived as a balm for those less fortunate in this life; therefore, feeding them with the hope of a better future life. Oh, Lord! And such a guy as a religious leader! Has he not taken the trouble to read a historical summary of the religions he comments on, to find out that in the East they flourished in the bosom of palaces, where material abundance and the satisfaction of desires led to unbearable boredom! where the idea of living this life over and over again ad infinitum, as reincarnation suggests, aroused nothing but absolute terror in them, leading them to take extreme measures to break this detestable cycle!
Very Low Level