Much of what Vigny says about himself I could attribute to me without changing a comma. I have, like Vigny, this “besoin éternel
d’organization”, without which I cannot move; I am, like him, “seul”, “exempt de tout fanatisme”; life has also taken care to endow me with this “sévérité froide et un peu sombre” which is not innate; as for the creative method, identically I conceive, plan, mold, and let cool down before the final execution; I could also say with all my soul that “l’indépendance fut toujours mon désir”; I also share Vigny’s repugnance to futility, fruit of someone who, being “toujours en conversation avec moi-même”, finds in the hindrance of interruptions always a reason for frustrations… and the list could go on. Vigny, however, makes the point: “Aimer, inventer, admirer, voilà ma vie.” Ah, Monsieur! Regrettably, these words of yours I can no longer subscribe to…. But it is okay: God gave me the sense of humor.
Vigny and I