What Dignifies the Being Is the Active Work

By Lavelle:

Il n’y a qu’une attitude qui donne à la douleur son véritable sens, c’est celle qui consiste à l’accepter, à la faire nôtre, à lui demander les moyens d’enrichir et d’approfondir notre être intérieur, c’est-à-dire à la convertir en un principe de joie. L’origine de la moralité est la souffrance volontaire.

What dignifies the being is the active work he does on the circumstances at his disposal. Pain, therefore, like everything else, only acquires meaning when it is transmuted, when it is absorbed and used as fuel for some positive transformation. There is no merit or demerit in suffering it; man, however, only appears when he transfigures it, necessarily imprinting his individual mark.