Something absolutely impossible for a man of other times would be to understand what goes on in the chest, veins, and mind of the overwhelming majority of modern men when the calendar declares it to be Friday. Friday! Wonderful Friday, when the sun rises and heralds the liberation of millions of souls! And modern man, bathed in this magnificent blessing, is overcome with an exhilarating and indescribable euphoria. Once a week he experiences an outpouring so strong that men of other times might go their whole lives without feeling anything like it. Tears, jubilation, screams, and gratitude to the heavens! Smiles on the face and the chest wanting to explode! On Thursday there is never any hope, it is as if the slave had already been working for long exhausting years, tired, unhappy, depressed, and aware that he would have to spend the rest of his mediocre and frustrating life this way. Then Friday! always unexpected Friday! the full proof that God exists and life is not so bad! There is no way that a man of other times would be able to understand it—and, probably, neither will those of the future, since the secular world no longer needs the luxury of a Christian calendar…