I go through several of Osho’s speeches and am gradually provoked by a funny irony. I, who have repeatedly pinned the “Western mind” and its formalism; I, as I go through these lines, question the author on each page: “Where did you get that from? Where is this and that other quote from the Buddha? And this sutra, where does it come from? Where are all these quotation marks coming from?”… It is as if a force is saying to me: “Isn’t this what you wanted? Weren’t you, even today, debauching the sterile referencing and lame reasoning of a guy?”. Yes, yes… The truth is that I am unbearably Western. I read Orientalists with pleasure, but it is possible that I would not even know how to behave in front of one of them. If I have learned and am learning anything from them, there is no doubt that there is a fundamental discrepancy between us that will never allow me to fully accept any of their doctrines, to see them fully impregnated in my thinking and acting, or, in other words, there is a limit to how much I can accept from them. So I enjoy a few hundred pages, but at some point my mind gets tired and demands a volume with bibliography and footnotes.
I Go Through Several of Osho’s Speeches…