It Is Truly Amazing How Far Modern Psychiatry…

It is truly amazing how far modern psychiatry has come! It is almost as if a fresh start were necessary, a joint burning of all books and the complete abandonment of all classifications. A man exhibiting even the slightest inner conflict is already infallibly ill; there is no question about it. And there we are left wondering about the vexatious state in which science has placed itself. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that the less a man thinks, the less thought influences his life, the healthier he is; in other words, the science of mind has set as a model of mental health the man whose mind does not act. There is something wonderful and unbelievable about this; it is undoubtedly a major achievement, and it never ceases to amaze. Discharge for the jolly fool, and therapy for the antisocial, the melancholic, the misanthropic, the gloomy, the lonely, and the silent! Therapy for those who cannot come home from work and smile while scratching their bellies in front of a television set! Therapy, and may the sick forever exchange philosophical works for coloring books!