Literary Critics

Literary Critics

It is very, very difficult for a literary critic not to become a defamatory. And this is easy to understand: the critic sees himself, most of the time, in front of something he would like, but cannot produce, either for lack of courage or talent. Thus, with daily food, envy only tends to grow. This is a natural thing from the smallest to the big ones. Let us look at an emblematic example: the enormous Vladimir Nabokov. Even he, intellectual of very first order, did not escape the ambush, being able to deliver us an absolutely brilliant analysis of Anna Karenina in volume attached to despicable and envious pages about Dostoevsky’s work. Notice that we speak of critics: even these, those who seek to analyze and sincerely judge the artistic aspects of a work, are subject to such ungrateful luck. There is still a worse, significantly worse sect: the dogmatic sect. But these, excuse me for the rudeness, deserve nothing but total contempt.


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