Modern Pretension

Modern Pretension

Scientific development, with its invaluable contribution to humanity, has brought unprecedented progress in history. The brilliance of technique improvement, problem solving previously seen as insoluble, of the drastic elevation of the average standard lives totally overshadowed the other areas of knowledge. However, modern society has contaminated itself with the stupid sense of self-reliance. Human error, because it is largely mythable, is no longer seen as a threat. Philosophy, theology and social sciences have become very secondary. As I write, planes fly and organs are being transplanted. I observe the advances, I see the feeling of progress, I perceive the illusion that man is nearing the apex — although I cannot say what exactly would be that apex… — I see, above all, the confidence of the stupid. I see the voracity of the technologies that are imposed without asking for leave, changing reality as in a lamp; perfecting and, by perfecting, they end up unquestionable. I perceive in limbo any hierarchy of values. What was once a core of meaning — relations — today are fragile, replaceable, virtuous as useful. The wise, above all, have their faces stuck on a cell phone; wishing for cheaper implants… If they talk — and they should! — they do so softly, in almost inaudible whispers. Where are the limits? There are no limits to man! We forget the value of the futile, we forget that disastrous are the well-meaning. The awareness of failure, perversion and greed has succumbed by giving birth to absolute hope, which is but the certainty of success. I end up noting the obvious: the stupid modern claim can only lead to a total and atrocious disappointment.


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