Before Becoming an Obsession…

Before becoming an obsession or a futile refinement, focusing on form means respecting the value of what is intended to be expressed. It means not wanting to present it sloppily, but in a way that does it justice. It is therefore a natural concern for anyone who does not have fun throwing words to the wind, but works with matters of real and personal importance.

Atheism Has Led Modern Man to Such Extreme…

Atheism has led modern man to such extreme disorientation that rescuing the most basic notions of his human condition is a task that can no longer be completed in a few generations. The state of affairs is so calamitous that not even literature can lend itself to a realistic and integral portrayal of today’s society, otherwise it will be roundly rejected by future generations for having gone beyond the absurd, even if fictional possibilities are taken into account. This is perhaps an unprecedented situation, in which it is necessary to ignore the bulk of reality in order to make lasting literature. There are things that cannot be said at a table, and there are things that cannot be written.

What Destroys the Pride of Academics

What destroys the pride of academics is having to realize, against their will, that a life dedicated to studies outside academia is infinitely more beneficial to the acquisition of knowledge in practically any field. It is to see that, without having to limit themselves to the guidelines set by the academy, the student makes much better use of his time. Over the years, the results become scandalously evident and also show the nature of the initial motivation.