The Great Moment of Fiction Reading

The great moment of fiction reading is when we perceive, in the individuality of the author and the work, the connection with the universal. It is great because it amplifies the sense of detail and demonstrates that the human drama is a shared drama. By noticing it, we become aware that neither time nor space alter this essential condition of being, responsible for the possibility of understanding between men; by noticing it, we become aware that the smallest thing, no matter how small, contains within itself a perennial and interchangeable significance.

Although Spiritism Has Certainly…

Although Spiritism has certainly not yet succeeded in convincing the world of the phenomena it documents and explains with a remarkable wealth of detail, the fact that it has presented the world with some of the most virtuous personalities that have set foot on this earth in the last two centuries is a guarantee that it will endure. If not for the originality of the doctrine, if not for the curious exposition of the extraordinary, it is by example that it has already earned its place among the most solid and interesting religions on the planet.

Daily Work, Motivated and Disciplined…

Daily work, motivated and disciplined, really is a holy remedy, as many spirits have said for centuries. In addition to the therapeutic effect, the directing of attention towards a just goal dissipates all kinds of distractions and counterproductive thoughts. The result, although sometimes rewarding, when unsatisfactory is innocuous to the motivation that has already been rewarded in dedicating with sincerity and strengthening in dedication. Abstaining from work, therefore, is not only harmful to health, but also unwise from the point of view of pure and true satisfaction.

The Phonic and Syntactic Richness of Portuguese

The phonic and syntactic richness of Portuguese, more than the nature of its people or the flair of its authors, places its poetry among the most remarkable in world literature. As a vehicle for expressing the primitive impulse represented by poetry, its possibilities are so varied and its effects so unique that, even when worked on by ordinary hands, it sometimes achieves results worthy of sincere admiration.