Sometimes It Is Amusing to Imagine…

Sometimes it is amusing to imagine the reaction of one of these very real and literary Europeans, who combine their routine bad humor with the practice of misanthropy, if they were exposed to the boldness of these street peddlers who abound in Brazil’s metropolises. How long could they stand it without exploding and ending up aggressing? Hard to say… But it would only take a few minutes on foot on any busy avenue for them to notice that here there is no such thing as this embarrassment, this healthy inhibition in front of a stranger, this respect that is manifested by a desire not to bother. No, no… the opposite is true here, and the same irritation would arise in the peddler hit by the disappointment of meeting a passer-by who is not entirely available, entirely open and eager for an untimely approach. Two animals whose relationship can only be summed up in repulsion and confrontation and which God, for the good of the planet, does well to separate.

Although It Is Undoubtedly Not Professional…

Although it is undoubtedly not professional or prudent to sit at a table and allow oneself to admire the hideous wonder of the white screen with the cursor flashing like a macabre chronometer, doing so sometimes proves curious, when the result is that the brain picks up the idea from an obscure corner of the mind, and then develops it in detail, without having prepared for it. Kardec asserts that this is a very natural metaphysical process which, although intelligible, once accepted calls into question the limits, identity and individual capacities of the being. So the question, which perhaps contains a valuable lesson: to what extent do they matter?

What Often Goes Unnoticed

What often goes unnoticed is that being is often nothing more than striving to be continuously, it is nothing more than manifesting the desire to be by the act, and by the same act making positive what is wanted. This enormous truth stands out and, because it is misunderstood, there are so many unsuccessful life projects, so many spirits who are lost waiting for a miracle that certainly does not happen without sweat and action.

The Great Moment of Fiction Reading

The great moment of fiction reading is when we perceive, in the individuality of the author and the work, the connection with the universal. It is great because it amplifies the sense of detail and demonstrates that the human drama is a shared drama. By noticing it, we become aware that neither time nor space alter this essential condition of being, responsible for the possibility of understanding between men; by noticing it, we become aware that the smallest thing, no matter how small, contains within itself a perennial and interchangeable significance.