Sometimes it seems that the revolt is colossally stupid, and even if we try to justify it, we can see a background of immaturity that it cannot get rid of. Above all, it shows a lack of a minimum sense of proportionality, capable of realizing that the contrast between subject and object often places them on different planes, leaving to the weaker side, if sensible, only the conscious integration.
Tag: behavior
The Repetition Is Amusing…
The repetition is amusing because it shows that by announcing it, a problem is not solved. And it returns again and again in new forms, demanding new recognition. It is difficult, how it is difficult to maintain integrity in contact with the world! If this effort is what Goethe called character, the world can only be seen as a test. And without prayer, meditation and the daily affirmation of one’s vows, it is very easy to degrade oneself in the face of a victorious world. Prayer and meditation are superlative and indispensable practices. Distancing oneself from them, distancing oneself from constructive reading, and the spirit is lost as quickly as it is strengthened when it approaches them. Only fools can deny this.
Almost Always, Out of Pity…
Almost always, out of pity for these Notes, the comment comes out purified of the real contemporary fact that motivated it. Although the healing effect is undoubtedly palpable, perhaps the commentator seems to exaggerate too much in his unavoidable radicalism. But how difficult it is to comment on current events! That is why it is sometimes necessary to break protocol. At an auction in New York, a “work” consisting of a banana taped to a wall was sold for more than six million dollars. The buyer, is said, has also acquired the right to replicate the “work” as many times as he wants, and it will be up to him to replace the banana when it rots. What can be said? It is undoubtedly a very powerful headline, but what is most impressive is to see in the thousands of articles that the work is not enough, the author is not enough, the price is not enough; but there is an audience, there are connoisseurs, there are promoters, there is a dizzying profusion of interested parties! It is too much! These Notes must be taken care of, because the risk of contagion is real!
The Spectacle of Publicity
The spectacle of publicity is often embarrassing and destructive, and it is better not to watch it. There is little to be gained from it, and it is extremely discouraging to see how the actors degrade themselves in gratuitous disputes, which are almost necessary, since publicity drives everything that is most negative in the dynamics of social relations. It often destroys the good and favors the bad. In short, it is unpleasant to watch…