There Is Nothing More Ridiculous Than the Importation of Cultural Garbage…

In the contemporary West, there is nothing more ridiculous than the importation of cultural garbage produced by the United States by countries that, in doing so, humiliate their own tradition. Henry Adams correctly predicted that nothing good could be expected from a rising civilization that has been denied a decent cultural-historical basis. And there it is… All the nonsense conceived in America, with the impressive speed of the digital age, is instantly exported to the rest of the West, which seems to delight in this vexing packaging of an English corrupted by the absence of British tradition. As for Brazil, it is better not to say.

The Political Agitators of Past Eras

It is a remarkable fact that, in order to know who the political agitators of past eras were, we have to resort to works other than those of history. Exceptions to this rule are very rare, and most often apply to the worst examples of the class. Sad fate! And to see that history does not grant a single line, not a single mention to the majority of those who, during their lives, inspired such exalted admiration, directly influencing the so-called public opinion and giving a false impression of importance—which history tries to disprove. From this, only one conclusion can be drawn…

At Some Point in History, the Press Discovered…

At some point in history, the press discovered that it could sell truths—and how much it could profit from doing so. Then, realizing this new potentiality, it took it on with gusto and, over decades, gradually intensifying it as intensifying it proved more and more profitable, it became a tool of systematic manipulation. For a while, nothing seemed able to stand up to it, to diminish its sovereign power; and it deluded itself that it would always be like this. What has happened in the West, then, in a sudden way and notably in Brazil, is something simply delightful to observe: this whole scoundrel empire, this conglomerate of lies, is now targeted by the fury of the very masses it has manipulated and seems doomed to collapse. It is a privilege to notice it in real time! And who could have predicted it? After many years of lying, lying, and lying, to the point of doing it with an astonishing shamelessness, overstepping all limits and insulting the intelligence of those it deceived, it has fomented a very violent reaction against itself that did not warn when it would burst. It is true: it is still too early to risk the final chapters of this story; but, for now, there is no way to contain the stretching of the same smile that lived on Voltaire’s face.

A Drastic Psychosocial Change Has Occurred in Brazil…

In recent years a drastic psychosocial change has taken place in Brazil that is bound to have long-lasting effects and that, for now, are of imponderable extent. Driven especially by politics, and contrary to what is happening in the rest of South America, the phenomenon would delight both Gilberto Freyre and José Maria Bello. Only a blind person would not notice it when analyzing it sociologically in light of the last decades. A war of values, above all, is underway, started by a spark that seemed insignificant but which generated a chain effect and whose victory now seems a mere matter of time. The dominant intelligentsia, which had established itself over decades of work, at exactly the moment when it seemed sovereign and invincible, saw a reactive movement emerge from where it never expected to see it, a movement that hit it with unforeseen violence. Today, we see it in despair, using all the powerful means at its disposal to avoid defeat; and yet these seem ineffective, only postponing an end that already seems inevitable. It will be a pity if the future cannot appreciate this moment through unbiased lines.