Perhaps Mozart Was the Most Genuine and Genial Artist

Among all of them, Mozart was perhaps the most genuine and genial artist. It is absolutely impressive to see the vastness and quality of his work, and if we consider his modest three and a half decades of life… There seems to be no one who comes close to him. A work so vast, so beautiful, so touching and so powerful seems inexplicable and impossible. An artist of inexhaustible and ever-excellent manifestations: the Mozart of the sonatas captivates, the Mozart of the concerts enchants, the peerless Mozart of the Réquiem amazes. How is this? how from a single man? In Mozart’s case, having the questions more than satisfies…

A Top Orchestra Is Almost a Cultural Salvation

It is indescribable the feeling of seeing, in color, a first-rate orchestra playing. I say see, and I do not know if I should have said feel. The expenditure of incredible sums to maintain it is justified because a top orchestra, depending on where it is located, is almost a cultural salvation. When one feels it, one concludes: there is hope. To witness, simultaneously, dozens of men who dedicate their lives to art; who, after long years of study and intense practice, train, train, and train to, in a very short presentation, transmit to those who see it the genius of noble and immortal spirits that have crossed the centuries. To notice the subtlety of synchronous, precise, and feeling-laden movements; to be silent and let oneself be guided by a sublime melody; to experience a direct contact with something beautiful: an experience of this nature morally elevates the audience that lives it.

The Distinction of Music

Among all the arts, music is undoubtedly the one that best allows the expression of nameless feelings, complex and logically inexpressible states of mind, as it is also the one that best permits the concatenation of disparate impressions and sensations, operating as if an impossible conciliation. To let oneself be conducted by a Chopin is to immerse oneself in a field where multiple emotions emerge, throwing the perception into ecstasy. Chopin: the genius who harmonized subtlety and intensity, raising them simultaneously to the summit—the first through the right hand, the second through the left.

Amy Winehouse

I imagine myself after a year married with Amy Winehouse. Any kind of physical contact would already be impossible; there would be, among us, a poignant and total disgust. There would be no dialogue; clearly, we would not even have character affinity. If any passion had preceded marriage, then it would now be properly buried, cooled by time and temper discrepancies. With absolute certainty, I would be already being betrayed uncovered. And then I imagine myself, in the next room, listening to her daily rehearsing. I wouldn’t ask for a divorce.


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