Determinism Is Mediocre and Cowardly

Determinism is above all mediocre and cowardly. Although it is, to some extent, severely ironized by fate, an understanding of reality that gives way to free will is infinitely superior to summarizing the human being in a puppet. If merit inexorably ends in defeat, and many, many times falters or is overturned in its own field of action, it does not mean that it does not give dignity to the being who excuses himself from justifications that only evidences his impotence. To understand the world as immune to human action and human action as an uncontrollable phenomenon is to summarize the human being in a dog—which can even be true, as long as not taken as universal.


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I Want to Believe That Glory Is in Free Will

I want to believe that there is, in free will, the glory coming from the war of known end. Through it, and only through it, it is possible to beat—even temporarily, even if only one battle…—the sinister fortune. Thinking in this way, I cannot do but summarizing the qualitative character of all complex and ambiguous human nature in a single element: the volition.


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Conviviality Is a Pact of Falsehood

I am faced with the problem, I understand it the same as always. I come back to myself. Two years ago, I launched the only TV series I ever produced. Two years ago, a character of mine said:

“Conviviality is a pact of falsehood. A minimum dose of sincerity throws coexistence into space. One can be an idiot or a cynic, there is no third option.”

And he heard the friend’s answer:

“Conviviality is putting on the clothes and leaving the money on the bed.”

Why always the same question?…


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The Human Being Does Not Change His Essence

“Becoming a better person” demands a merciless and continuous inner annihilation, a humility and a self-denial that borders on repugnance, a superhuman effort to silence the insistent and natural voice of vanity, which manifests itself as soon as the being recognizes his capacity to think. Since this is an almost unfeasible task, since it demands the confrontation of hard battles that never end, it is wise to say that, after adulthood, the human being does not change his essence, even if he wants to, even if he tries, even if he believes.


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