It Is Hard to Find Any Anguish…

On closer inspection, it is hard to find any anguish that does not stem from a choice, past or present. This alone would be enough to awaken in the mind the certainty that it largely traces its destiny, and certainly reaps the fruits of what it has sown. If it does not recognize this, it is because it has not matured enough to take charge of its own decisions, and until it does, it will remain in a state of imaginary submission that will add to the evils of anguish those of ignorance.

The Self-Respecting Intellectual Must…

The self-respecting intellectual must not only have as a starting point, but also as a constant notion, that his life is a spark in a world that has already existed and will continue to exist. Without this, one is easily swallowed up by a vanity that is ultimately laughable. And when we see how many modern intellectuals fall for this primal illusion, when we see how shameless self-love has become, we see a detachment from reality that prehistoric man could never allow himself, and even for animals, allowing it would mean extinction.

Satisfaction, if Not Sought Now…

Satisfaction, if not sought now, if not experienced in the present circumstances, will never be sought or experienced. One has to get used to having it and wanting it, one has to move towards it, and this can only be done through will, effort and a good disposition. It is always possible to find it, and it is all the more fruitful to do so when it seems so far away. Humility in satisfaction is lasting satisfaction.