There is no real satisfaction until the mind learns to focus on the small, the accessible and the quotidian. The mind is treacherous because, with eyes closed, the act is weightless and knows no limits. If one is careless, one can easily go too far, learning nothing and doing nothing. There may be pleasure, certainly distraction, but both are diaphanous, both are devoid of the characteristic density of the real, which substantiates the small and generates true fruit.
Tag: philosophy
Choosing One Path
Choosing one path is always not choosing all the others, and that is what makes it special. Choosing, then, is choosing and giving up, and sustaining it involves both valuing the path chosen and accepting the distance from those not chosen. Many people cannot bear it, just as they cannot bear the fact that to live is to choose. However, whether one likes it or not, giving up a choice is also a choice, and one ultimately reaps the rewards of this decision.
It Is Change That Dynamizes Life
It is change that dynamizes life and, precisely when it is most unwanted, demonstrates its greatest potential. The desire for stability, which is very natural, is also to a large extent the desire for comfort. However, since this is unproductive, so is the intransigent resistance to change. It is true that sometimes change is forced upon us, and it does not come without tears and pain; but we have to assimilate it, we have to grow by assimilating it, and end with a smile of acceptance.
Gentleness, When Seen, Disarms
Lavelle is right when he says that “de toutes les vertus de l’âme, la douceur est la plus subtile et la plus rare”. Gentleness, when seen, disarms, and when practiced, does an indescribable amount of good. And because it is as rare as it is, it is very easy for man to forget it, and very natural not to practice it. And even if, in one shot, he is enlightened by it, he will have to work hard to remember this experience which, like all the others, time tries to dissipate. But he must make the effort, he must remember every day how this fine virtue, sometimes manifested by a word, a gesture or a look, is the most effective way to bring out a good feeling.