It Is Indeed a Pleasure to Find in Authors…

It is indeed a pleasure to find in authors conclusions that we have reached previously and on our own. But nothing compares to finding them contrary to ours when, if they do not refute us completely, they prove to be equally reasonable. In the first case, we only rejoice out of vanity; in the second, we actually grow. It must be admitted, however, that this is a rare pleasure, hardly innate, and more often the result of a continuous effort, of an education of the mind to accept contradictions and understand reality as ambiguous and multifaceted—something that very few spirits are willing to do.

Christianity Is the Main Barrier to Collectivism

Very few saw that Christianity would be the main barrier to prevent the West from being totally dominated by the collectivist ideas that flourished in the last century. Today, a war is raging that would already be lost, were it not for the honorable Christian resistance. The historical moment is already clear, and too interesting to ignore: after decades of insults and loss of prestige, only Christianity seems to have forged strong enough bonds to supplant this plague called communism. Who would have thought it! In a secular world, it was precisely religion saving it from totalitarian oppression that allowed it to progress to unprecedented levels. Historians will have to do justice, should the West be freed from the disgrace and misery that threatens it, and credit Christianity with avoiding what would perhaps be the most infamous and darkest chapters of human dignity.

The Investigation of the Origin of Political Ideologies…

Although it is a fifth-rate topic, investigating the origin of the political ideologies that run in the mouths of the masses teaches a bit about the moral corruption of man. The perversity and cynicism of those who give birth to ideologies is astonishing to the most hardened of moralists. Control freaks, experts in the very efficient science of lying, have stripped politics of any morality and turned it into the simple art of machination. It is surprising to see them, with absolute impudence, proclaiming false narratives that cover the vilest interests and that effectively condemn to misery those they ask for—and get!—support. It is a depravity without limits. Instructive, however, as it teaches how low man can sink.

Intolerance of Small Mistakes…

Intolerance of small mistakes and small defects necessarily leads to isolation. The world, if taken too seriously, wages a declared war against the intransigent spirit. Such a war aims at nothing more than making it clear: accept the world as it is, or forever punch walls. And the disappointments that pile up, the expectations that repeatedly fail, the perfection that always seems fanciful, all of this corrodes the spirit and could be avoided. The best thing, without a doubt, is to expect nothing.