The Reading of Mystics

I read mystics with real pleasure. Mystics: men who claim to see what I do not see, who argue with what I cannot prove. And pleasure, of course, to know myself eliminating to the last trace the ignorant presumption that characterizes the man of this century responsible for molding me. I am happy to see that there may be others with faculties that I do not possess, that I do not represent the human model in the fullness of capabilities. To me, reading them is always a lesson in humility.

Fame Never Fails to Chain and Corrupt

It is disappointing to see that fame never fails to chain and corrupt. Exceptions are very rare. And the consequence of this is that success, even if deserved, comes to destroy. One looks into the past and discovers the lack of authentic idols, idols that, while rising, remained true to themselves. And so biographies are closed describing pitiful sketches of personalities who allowed themselves to be overshadowed.

To Live Is to Believe the Lie

“L’arte de vivere è l’arte di saper credere alle menzogne” —says, rightly, Cesare Pavese. To act, it is necessary to believe; there is no life without hope, without at least a tiny expectation, a minimum twinkle in the eyes that, upon waking, hopes for a better today than yesterday. Man allows himself to be deluded by psychological necessity; illusions are food for a mind programmed to believe. This is why the analysis of the human being necessarily involves the investigation of the irrational.

Reality Reduced to Misery

Viktor Frankl, thrown into a Nazi concentration camp, saw his reality reduced to its fullest misery. Rationally, although with an almost superhuman coldness, and although for the sake of survival, for the urgent need to preserve his mental sanity, he set out to view his misfortune through the lens of a scientist. He isolated his mind in a fictitious intellectual bubble and made physical, psychological and moral destruction the object of his investigations. It is, keeping proportions, what every serious investigator of life should do.