Nihilism and Anarchism

Nihilism and anarchism start from understandable and justifiable premises. However, as if by an uncontrollable attraction, they both end up tending toward an unjustifiable destructive action, or rather, an action promoting a worse reality. When carried out, nihilism is forced to level a murderer to someone who does not kill,—the opposite would be to admit a moral hierarchy,—which is an effective way to produce monsters. Anarchism, when ingrained in the soul, can only result in a violent response to all kinds of authority—it efficiently destroys, but does not seem capable of erecting on the wreckage something better. They both seem, nihilism and anarchism, doctrines doomed to throw the soul into darkness and materialize terrible deeds—although, on an individual level, they can be necessary stops to reasoning and, if allied to a peaceful nature and opposed to action, can serve as food for intellectual development.

Capitalism Has Imposed a Behavioral Philosophy…

Capitalism has imposed a behavioral philosophy that demands efficiency and professionalism in daily life. Anything different from this is abnormal, repulsive, contrary to the current dictatorship. It is necessary to answer e-mails, messages, return calls, and always and for everyone have the fake smile of a salesperson. A conduct based on the interest and concern with one’s own image—the others, always the others, the possible clients of an individual transformed into a company. From this comes the suppression of individuality: the action submits to what is convenient, annulling one’s own will. Practically, the being loses the recognition of himself, and with it the notion of importance and dignity. There does not seem to be a solution that does not start from complete exhaustion, which is converted into indifference and contempt for the world and gives rise to a behavior that horrifies the common person.

Peace Is the Joint Neutralization of Will and Feeling

Peace is the joint neutralization of will and feeling. However they manifest themselves, these are the spirit’s disturbers, agitators that disorient and move the being away from the healthy calm that configures peace. To understand this is to understand why even jubilation is harmful: great oscillations are undesirable when one intends to have a perennial and stable state, which serves as the basis for full harmony and makes possible a disturbance-free focus.

An Unmatched Feat!

I jump from philosophy to astrology, from astrology to religion, and wherever I am there I find words of spite directed at Voltaire. Impressive! What the Ferney’s philosopher has achieved is an unmatched feat! I just read: “Voltaire, ce marveilleux ignorant, qui croyait savoir tant de choses, parce qu’il trouvait toujours le moyen de rire au lieu d’apprendre”. How not to sympathize or, rather, how not to fall into laughter? Time goes by, and my concept of this renowned philosopher who managed to irritate the world only grows. I believe it was Nietzsche who stressed the wisdom of Voltaire’s philosophical attitude, which always ended up stretching a smile on his face instead of frying his spirit by taking life and history so seriously. Smiling in the face of human stupidity: this is the very rare virtue that Voltaire, more than anyone else, knew how to practice.