The charm always disappears when someone is known in depth. That is why relationships do not remain pleasant unless there is distance. The one who admires must always keep in mind the fragility of admirations. Any idol can be killed with a diligent investigation, with an excess of curiosity that always results in the mental violation of idealization. Contact with fellows is only profitable when it is done in homeopathic doses.
Tag: philosophy
Action Is Always Peturbative to the Spirit
Action is always perturbative to the spirit. That is why peace is the fruit of inertia, monotony, and silence—words that are absent in the vocabulary of the man of action. The need to act, then, is what makes the world take on the traces of hell. By acting, no peace is possible, and a world without action is impossible. It follows, therefore, that disturbance, torment, constitutes the inner substance of the world, and wise is he who withdraws from it. Nothing that has not been diagnosed thousands of years ago…
A Culturally Relevant Country
A country, to be culturally relevant, needs at least one symbol of national pride. Otherwise, it will drag itself through time amid an impassable cultural desert, and, even if sparsely it has some valuable cultural manifestations, these will never have a relevant and transforming role. If it does not see in the past something that unites and distinguishes it, a people is forever condemned to cultural insignificance.
The Man Reaches the Apex of His Humorous Vocation in Revolt
The man reaches the apex of his humorous vocation in revolt. The best clown is the one who best simulates irritation. Whether it is the absurdity of petty everyday events, or impotence in the face of the universe, revolt springs up and essentially exposes the ridiculousness of his condition. All humor arises from a contrast: revolt arouses laughter because it is painful and absolutely useless. I say and go into the inevitable: is there anything funnier than blasphemies? An insect indignant at a god… He cries out, screams, fries his nerves in vain. In his rage, he resorts to offense, risking eternal punishment. For the pleasure of judging to scratch, in an instant, the reputation of an infinitely superior being, he places himself, vulnerable, as a candidate for the target of a terrible wrath. It has been said that all blasphemy is, at the bottom, a manifestation of dignity. Maybe this is right… What is laughable is that it is of no use at all.