Natural Antagonists

On one side, the philosophy of unity; on the other, the philosophy of chance. Incompatible, antagonistic. And both find, it is true, showy fundamentals. Deprived, however, of the certainty, of the complete proof that would annul the opposing argumentation, they fight vainly. As Pascal noted, there seems to be enough in the world for anyone to see what they want. In this way, the fundamental philosophical posture seems to be summarized in the attachment or detachment to uncertainty, in the appreciation of the signs that may or may not satisfy; in short, in the reaction of the spirit before the knowledge acquired.

Blessed Are Those Who Have No Need of Judgment

Reflection leads to judgment, and judgment is unbearable! The mind sees the worst shining like nothing else, and implacably points to the verdict. Blessed are those who do not need to judge in every line, to moralize even in jokes, taking reflections to the last consequences. Existence loses its weight when one is capable of being silent, blind, distracting the rational and simply letting life run its course. To the others, solidarity…

Day and Night…

In thoughts, the ultimate and extreme movement not executed in life. And the consequences, all of them afflicting and pulsating as soon as the head rests and the eyes close. The need to annihilate, never forgetting a single word, carrying out all the violent impulses controlled by the rational manifesting itself, every night, while silence reigns outside. In life, in art, the effort to slow them down, the effort to mask their monstrous character, the effort for the predominance of conscience. And so the mind submerges into double life.

Contradict the Convenient

When the bulk of routine drips, day after day, into practical matters, into banal activities that impose themselves on all the others, it is very difficult not to curse existence. The simplest solution: prevent the intellect from manifesting itself, silence the mind, never let it expand. Being late, what to do? seeking pleasure in practical life? getting a wife? children? Perhaps… Otherwise, it is to react against the imperative of necessity and, suffering the consequences of disdain for the convenient, find satisfaction in the voluntary act of revolt. There is nothing to curse… is there?