Reading Heidegger, I felt like going out on the street and striking the first human being I met. Exasperating! And very funny the reaction, especially because of my enormous tolerance to what I dislike. Just before Heidegger, I had faced several of the most detestable pages I have ever read without a single violent impulse, without ever feeling the urge to tear up the book and physically assault a fellow man. What is the difference? The difference is that, in Rousseau’s pages, a man incapable of conceiving what would be honor or personal dignity, there was at least sincerity. And more than sincerity: there was style, conciseness, vigor in a prose that is undoubtedly one of the best in the French language. In it, reading the infamous is almost pleasurable. Rousseau knows how to build periods, to chain them, to make the logical progression of thought, and to expose it in a frank way. Heidegger did not. Heidegger hides behind a stupidly abstract language, whose most significant role is to make the banal look important. Heidegger affects methodical accuracy through ridiculous circumlocutions, typical of the one who does not have much to say, and an attentive reading captures the farce. Heidegger fools the reader. But why the comparison? I almost forgot. Rousseau, whose main work could be subtitled “The supreme foundation of demagogy,” whose lines are nothing more than dictating rules and saying how others should behave, still seems to me less vain than the one who, in ostensible linguistic imposture, builds an illegible work in order to impress.
Tag: philosophy
Reflecting on Despair Vaccinates Against Despair
Reflecting on despair vaccinates against despair, reflecting on anguish slows down anguish, disillusionment only is harmful when untimely… and the mind seems to have the arsenal it needs to contain its own impulses. If moved by inertia, vulnerable; if put to work, prepared and resistant. The support it lacks is nothing but the fruit of its own creation. Thus, the idea of self-sufficiency really seems irresistible.
Philosophy Is Saturated With Vain People
I fill myself with Cioran and I perceive the enormous distinction of one who proposes to face the great questions head-on and with sincerity. Philosophy is saturated with vain people whose works manifest their unique interest in proving their intelligence to the world. When contrasted, on the one hand, the obsession to prove logical failures in other people’s systems and replace them with a “superior” reasoning and, on the other, the desperate manifestation of someone who, with all his spirit, seeks relief for issues that torment him, to notice that there are different levels of philosophers is even an insult. There are serious philosophers and jokers.
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Money Degrades Existence and Dulls
That’s right: money degrades existence and dulls when put in the foreground. The generation of volunteer slaves is among the stupidest of all times. Devoting the bulk of life, the bulk of spirit and energy to material accumulation is simply infamous. But here comes the disturbing question: how to dose, limit the effort, prevent degradation and, while retaining independence, not be completely crushed by the environment?
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