It is the Comedians Who Best Caress Human Pain

More than any philanthropic entity, it is the comedians who best caress human pain. And the justification is simple: laughter is an effective, cheap, and inexhaustible remedy. Comedians, if good, teach us to laugh at the worst miseries, console us in the face of the terrible, deliver pleasure when it seems impossible. Comedians unveil the obvious: in life, absolutely everything is subject to a joke—and the best ones spring from exactly where it seems absurd to us to extract them. Moreover, they attack the viper that no philanthropic entity is capable of fighting: vanity. Therefore, it is sad to see them working almost always shot by stones, often destroyed by the mass of idiots incapable of seeing the dimension of their own ridicule. But this is nothing new: the great ones almost always end up the target of the imbeciles’ fury. For ahead, idols, benefactors of humanity! And your laughter will last when the hands that attack you have already turned, inert, to dust!


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Every Intention That Requires the Action of a Third Party Is Bad

Every intention that requires the action of a third party is bad. Every speech thirsting for approval is bad. Therefore, the intention is only virtuous if it entails an individual action and the word is only fruitful if it is self-sufficient. In a world where these truths are absolutely misunderstood, it is natural that social life is unpleasant, if not unbearable. Majority, consensus, acceptance, these and other words from hell only contribute to making the human being progressively mediocre. The dignity of man sprouts from the consciousness of individuality and respect is only possible in the being who learns to value what is different, instead of always subduing him to his own despicable opinions.


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Few Defects Make a Worse Impression Than the Inclination to Retreat

Few defects make a worse impression than the inclination to retreat or, if you like, misanthropy. However, I do not know the answer: how to know human nature and not be a misanthropist? How not to let our psychology contaminate to the point of repelling any relationship of forced intimacy? How not to hate the theatre of convenience? I study and find the obvious: the great artists shared this quality. And they were mostly hated when not ignored in life. History sometimes deludes appearing to have made some changes in the human psyche. The reactions to external stimuli, the dynamics of personal relationships, the foundation of life together have changed only in detail. The general concept has always repulsed those who hate social life. Not only has repulsed him but has also persecuted him to reform him: the extinction of the individual has always been the task of the collective, society has always arrogated to itself the right to demand that all play roles. That is why it is funny to note how misanthropy, the natural path of an observer of man, tends to worsen to infinity: the search for retreat is necessarily accompanied by persecution.


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“The object of this work is the investigation of the problem…”

“The object of this work is the investigation of the problem. But first, we must define the methods we will use in the analysis. However, we must first say what exactly we understand as a method. But first, we must outline the scope of human understanding. First of all, we need to make it very clear what the limitations of a scope are. Nevertheless, it is fundamental that we explain first in what sense we think something limited…” Oh, God, turn my boat off this course! Turn my poor boat off!


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