In Dreams Play the Conscience Causing Remorse

In dreams play the conscience causing remorse. It leads the cruel act, forces the atrocious manifestation to then condemn, afflict, punish. Perverse being… It consumes in mind that which in life was not realized, emphasizes in the imagination what causes repulsion, engenders a universe where action denotes moral pain. Not satisfied with methodically reproducing the unfortunate act, it amuses itself by impelling real repentance to what has never happened…


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The Understanding of Human Nature Demands the Detachment From Reason

The understanding of human nature demands, over and over again, the detachment from reason. To deny the irrational manifestations of the human being and external phenomena implies, besides arrogance, the limitation of one’s understanding. The reason, the experimental method, both present themselves limited as tools of reality apprehension. To recognize it is simply to keep eyes open. Knowledge requires humility, recognition of weaknesses, and the courage to go into strange territory. Jung, aware of the possibilities of reason,—and above all, aware of its strength,—sought in the study of religions, mythology, and medieval magic the answers that his analytical method would never be able to deliver because they exceeded its scope. He became perhaps the most brilliant psychologist of all time. For many, however, he was a deserter. And the many remain in their prepotent and monumental stupidity.


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With a Clipboard in the Face of Misfortune

Complications of someone of rare dreams, when they exist, disconnected, vague, abstract, which have always been summed up in mute images, and now frequently come across assaults of infinite variations of misfortune. Wins the study of psychology. It is interesting to note how the rational loses strength as sleep deepens and, in a state of semiconsciousness, presents itself in vigor. Morality, too, is dependent on judgment, or in other words, on rational psychological manifestation. There is also a very clear distinction between the action of unconscious impulses on different levels of sleep. When induced in a state of semiconsciousness, the dream is endowed with a drastically more real character. Oh, dull lines!…


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Conscience Manifests Itself by Engaging in Conflict

An accurate psychological analysis shows that the conscience manifests itself by engaging in conflict. In other words: the conscience is nothing but a reaction, a manifestation contrary to natural psychological impulses. To let it speak, then, is to rebel against one’s own genius, giving rise to a perhaps unnecessary war, because one lives naturally without involving in this unpleasant inner conflict. I said unnecessary; well then: these are the ones from which any possible honor is extracted.


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