Modern Psychiatry, Invading the Terrain of Philosophy…

Modern psychiatry, invading the terrain of philosophy, is already a kind of doctrine in which eminent Simões Bacamartes are taking great strides toward the end that the original one had. There is a model of normality, and this model is that of the jester. Anyone who does not fit into it is unquestionably sick and should seek professional help. There are judgments about life, about the environment, about others, there are deliberate behaviors that only spring up in an unhealthy mind. All of them, of course, must be treated. A Seneca, a Schopenhauer, fatally suffers from a disorder. So do all saints, all monks, hermits of any kind, poets, dreamers, adventurers, and many others. A Fernando Pessoa, then, is a raving madman, a lunatic to be tied at the foot of a table. And for all these, the most enlightened modern psychiatry has already attributed a mental illness. All this would be funny, if we were not in an age where freedoms are gradually stifled and individuals are increasingly forced to follow a behavioral primer. It would not be long before the State, based on Science, proposes to correct the disturbed, justifying itself by Marketing. And then the mentally ill, those harmful to the common good, are interned. It is possible to perfectly imagine the Ministry of Health that Orwell did not create, operated by today’s very powerful sociopaths, whose taste for control exceeds all limits ever recorded by history. What a catastrophe!

My Disease

It is obvious that I would eventually find my own illness in psychology books. I had already foreseen this myself. But it was not without surprise that I came across it, precise and undeniable, as if smiling enthusiastically at the first formal contact. I analyze its symptoms and conclude: I am sick. The shrewd psychiatrist convinces me: I am suffering from a rare disease, I need help, I must overcome my resistance, accept it, and run to the doctor’s office. If I have humility, if I make a sincere effort, I can be converted into a normal human being. What a thing… I have identified so much with the disease that I would gladly provide a smiling photo of myself to enrich with an illustration the encyclopedia of mental disorders. But how ugly is the name of my disease! how repulsive! I admit that I suffer, that I am very, very sad, but why this nominal insult? Surely, because the term of terrible taste or the terrible taste of the term accurately defines an animal of my species to the specialist.

Although It Is Useful to Try to Attribute Meaning…

Although it is useful to try to attribute meaning to the unconscious mental manifestations, it is necessary to establish a scale of importance for what is being discovered; otherwise, the mind throws the analyst into terrible confusion. It is a simple mistake to believe that the mind only reveals that which occupies the position of greatest momentary or extemporaneous relevance, that everything it evokes has a deep and very important meaning: a little attention and common sense is enough to verify this. If at times it evokes images of unquestionable significance, at others it only seems to be playing. So let it play…

The Creation of Imaginary Friends

As Fernando Pessoa wisely recommended, the creation of imaginary friends, the exercise of mental conversations that would never be carried out in life, the realization of the impossible by the mind, all this, besides the benefits from the infinite novelties, brings invaluable contributions to the organization of reasoning. It is a practice that tests limits, exposes counterpoints, broadens horizons, and fills the need arising from the limitation of experience. The mind is strengthened because it has exercised and learned more, thought takes on more solid contours, and the habit, with time, becomes a healthy, pleasurable, and irreplaceable psychic and existential need.