The Construction of a Logical Monument

The Construction of a Logical Monument

I smile as I perceive my disgust with philosophical systems. The construction of a logical monument; the framing of reality, in all its infinite nuances, in a rational system: none of this arouses my interest, all this seems to me to come from a primary error. The construction of a philosophical system requires the mutilation of reality: its applicability in the real world, in practical life, is almost null. What is left beyond the system? Is there anything capable of impacting a conduct, altering a relationship between an individual and a medium, shaping a real posture? This is what I ask myself when I judge the work of a philosopher, and I smile when I see my inability to embark on the delirium and consider as wonderful that which is only applicable in the world of abstractions. The good philosophy must be able to see the jail, the madhouse, the monastery, and the whorehouse.


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