The language of the highest Dhammapada is the only language in which ethical precepts should be expounded in texts that purport to be called sacred. The Dhammapada does not resort to the regrettable route of orders and threats, where there are plenty of imperative verbs. It does not command, it does not demand, and although it is written in very simple language, it is impenetrable to those unaccustomed to reflection. It is a luminous and profound text, intended for superior creatures, which uses a respectful oratory, never intending to win servants, train evildoers, or impose itself through a moral imperative. It makes precepts available, justifies them patiently, and let follow them those who want to do it. In short, the language of the Dhammapada is that which an educated man uses when he respects the intelligence of his interlocutor.
The Language of the Dhammapada