A Golden Rainbow

We are almost there! All that has been bequeathed to us is on the verge of a mighty upliftment! Tens of centuries, millions of years of evolution have erected and sustain our moment. Only a little bit! A little bit from each one and a golden rainbow will sprout from the asphalt hovering over the entire world territory!


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It Is With Him That I Go….

There is no irony potent enough to express all the joy of these lines, now surrounded by lively jingles. The truth is that the words, stimulated, are already dancing. Oh, language, how impressive you are when well carved! Future, work, better, real, real, like us, different, different… Hope is the noblest of all the noble gifts given to the noble human spirit. The face, when it smiles in return for the promise, shows the virtue of the soul able to trust the sister of blessing. And together, in harmony, they are both predestined to build the Blessed Municipal Paradise!


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I Want to Believe That Glory Is in Free Will

I want to believe that there is, in free will, the glory coming from the war of known end. Through it, and only through it, it is possible to beat—even temporarily, even if only one battle…—the sinister fortune. Thinking in this way, I cannot do but summarizing the qualitative character of all complex and ambiguous human nature in a single element: the volition.


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The Queen of Procrastination

Antipathetic to work, sometimes denying it, it is incredible to notice how the mind is stimulated to toil for procrastination. If there is no reason, it finds: because it wants to postpone it, it must postpone it immediately. Tomorrow, the day after: not now. And so wrecks the productivity. What could be done, is not. The little bit that, added up over many days, would become something robust is lost in the smoke of idleness. I think the phrase is from some philosopher; if not, let it go from me: there are cases that, fatally, demand violence.


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