It Is Impressive to Note the Ever-Present Interest…

It is impressive to note the ever-present interest in contemporary literature, found even in authors who are aware that great literature is, by definition, timeless. To note that, while there are dozens of centuries that will not be absorbed, thousands of works that will not be read due to lack of time, interest in contemporary works still thrives, and contemporary works attract attention that the majority of secular works, already consecrated by the test of time, do not. How to explain why the opposite does not happen? How to explain that what is common is not an almost desperate desire to absorb the essentials of these tens of centuries and thousands of works? There seems to be no rational explanation for any of this.

An In-Depth Study of Western and Eastern Religions…

An in-depth study of Western and Eastern religions shows that, each in its own way, they lead the spirit to reflect on essential questions. If we look at several of them and get to know their very high spokespeople, the hardest thing is to decide on one or the other, rather than both and all of them. Beyond convenience, however, it seems necessary to choose so that the practice is guided and reinforced by a tradition. It may be an arbitrary choice, but it results in a compromise that is almost always enriching.

Belief Surpasses Disbelief

Belief surpasses disbelief in all cases because it is willing to go to any lengths, since it is based on something greater. It wins, therefore, as do those who let go of themselves, ignore limits and do not chain themselves to the illusory present. In this battle, there is a necessary end and only one side faces it with resolution.