
Fatigue, total exhaustion. Feeling of having seen all the examples too soon. Too predictable, uninteresting conducts. Nothing new, ever. Repetition that starts to irritate. Absolute disenchantment, desire to paralyze time, blacken all colors, annul reality…


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Endless Tyranny

Seeking meaning through external phenomena is a mechanism that, although common, will never lead to independence. To attach value to uncontrollable judgments, when not simply unfair, is to level oneself down and show a lack of autonomy. It is worse to see that acceptance, when effected, does nothing but points out the types of flocks—the absolute majority—that, although they do not perceive, will never leave the condition of vassals, because to see the medium as sovereign is to submit to an endless tyranny.


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Between Humility and Shame

At first, to voluntarily sit in the dock. Then proceed with the condemnation. The obvious result: the contraindication of oneself. Loss of illusions, perhaps some apathy, silence, and many hours of reflection. Thus, between humility and shame, it is possible to draw some plan of action…


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Every Attack of a Moral Nature Is, First of All, a Testimony of Vanity

Every attack of a moral nature is, first of all, a testimony of vanity. Those who attack consider themselves morally superior to those who are attacked. But when executed en masse, not only does vanity manifest itself, but cowardice and, who knows, certain sadism, natural to the members of the noble species when unable to control their most perverse impulses. Of these, what is expected of a hyena is expected: a smile of scorn and blood running down their teeth.


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